Geodata Catalogue Search API

The Geodata Catalogue Search API allows users to search for New Zealand geoscience datasets and their associated resources. For more information on the Geodata Catalogue, please see here.

Using the API

Follow these steps to get up and running:

Read the technical details

View the API definition in our developer portal here. You can also download the definition for viewing in Swagger Editor, SwaggerHub, or other tools.

Subscribe to the API

Log in and subscribe to the Geodata Catalogue API Product. Our API support team may request further information before the subscription can be approved.

Generate an API subscription key and call the API

For full details on how to generate an API subscription key, and optionally an OAuth2 bearer token for additional security, please see here.

Once your subscription has been approved you will be able use your API credentials to successfully call the API. Use the sandbox key and sandbox endpoints in your software development. Once you've completed testing simply use your production keys to access the live service.