API operations
Search and view the list of API operations below. Click on a tag name to show all the related operations that are available.
API Information
You must subscribe to a product to access an API. At the end of that process you will be able to use test (sandbox) environment subscription keys to begin development. When you have completed testing, simply use the production keys to access the live services. Click here for more details.
This API belongs to the following product(s). Click a product name to subscribe.
Production and sandbox environments
After your subscription is approved you will have access to production and sandbox API products and can generate API keys for these. The endpoint addresses shown in the API operation details below are for production access using your production API subscription key in the form:
https://api.business.govt.nz/gateway/{{resource path}}
To use our sandbox test environment during your development and testing you will need to use the different address format shown below, with your sandbox subscription key in the Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key header.
https://api.business.govt.nz/sandbox/{{resource path}}